
Mostrando las entradas de abril, 2023


It has its origins in the Edo period (which extends from March 24, 1603 to May 3, 1868) and was practiced by samurai. Like Kendo, Laido is also practiced with the sword, but, unlike Kendo, the cuts are executed by sheathing and unsheathing the saber.


 It is not a martial art as well known worldwide as the previous ones, but more popular disciplines, such as Aikido, Karate or Kendo, are nourished by it. It was developed by the ninjas during ancient Japan and it is a very complete martial art. It is known as the Japanese martial art of espionage and guerilla warfare.


It is an ancient martial art (within the "Koryu budo" martial arts), and the first to be based on defense without weapons. It has had a great influence on the development of many current Japanese martial arts. In his practice, techniques of dislocations, sweeps, displacements and even strangulations are used.


This martial art is closely linked to the samurai philosophy. Its origins are diffuse; Some ancient Japanese stories say that the Kendo sword is born from divinity, to such an extent that it is one of the three sacred symbols of Japan. To practice Kendo, replicas of wooden katanas, bamboo swords and, in some demonstrations, also real katanas are used, which is why it is known as Japanese fencing.


It is one of the most practiced martial arts in Japan and in the world. It was created by the master Jigoro Kano (1860-1938), and it is the only Japanese martial art with a presence in the Olympics. Judo has also been declared by Unesco as the best formative sport for children.


This martial art was developed in the mid-1920s by master Morihei Ueshiba. It is a very harmonious martial art, which teaches how to use the opponent's strength against him without harming or humiliating him.


It has its origins in the 16th century in the Ryukyu Islands of Okinawa. It is the most popular Japanese martial art in the world. In his practice, blows with the hand, kicks and dislocations are used among other types of defense maneuvers.